Tuesday 26 August 2008

Avril Lavigne allowed to play Malaysia

Avril Lavigne [ ] will go forward with her Aug. 29 concert in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, after the government reversed its conclusion to proscribe the concert, according to a Reuters report.

An Islamist group had objected to the concert, which was scheduled to be held two years before the country's Aug. 31 independency day celebrations, saying that mainly Muslim Malaysia should not written matter Western values and cultures.


The decision to allow the Lavigne concert was made at a cabinet get together after officials studied the assurances granted by the concert organiser. Arts and Culture Minister Mohammad Shafer Appeal reportedly said the concert must be monitored to ensure that the performance does not clangour with Malaysian culture and values.

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Saturday 16 August 2008

Sanofi-aventis And Bristol-Myers Squibb Back NICE's Decision To Review Guidance On Vascular Disease - New Evidence Could Affect Change In Guidance, UK

�Sanofi-aventis and Bristol-Myers Squibb back today's decision by NICE (the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) to review its guidance on vascular disease for clopidogrel (Plavix�) and dipyridamole. NICE originally plotted to give in review of the guidance, called Technology Appraisal Number 90 (TAG90), until November 2010. During the recent NICE consultation process, a number of organisations, highlighted the press need for an earlier review.

"Cardiovascular diseases is Britain's number one killer, therefore it is of public interest that NICE initiates a review of this guidance. There is important newfangled evidence uncommitted, particularly in the area of stroke, which means that the existing steering needs to be re-assessed. We now have the opportunity to ensure the guidance is kept up to particular date and in line with new evidence," said Nigel Brooksby, Chairman and Managing Director, sanofi-aventis UK.

Richard Marsh, Director of External Affairs and Market Access, Bristol-Myers Squibb adds, "The review of TAG90 announced by NICE today is timely. The current guidance looks at patients in isolation, for example, patients who receive only had a fortuity, or patients who have only had peripheral arterial disease (PAD). However, according to the REACH register (the largest registry of 68,000 patients with cardiovascular disease around the world), i in sixer of these patients have multivascular disease and are at level higher danger of further events (heart

Thursday 7 August 2008

Massive Attack - Massive Attack And Santogold Confirmed For Becks Fusions

Massive Attack and Santogold top the bill at this year's Beck's Fusions, a discharge festival held in Manchester.

The trip-hop pioneers will headline the second night of the event on Saturday September sixth, with a spectacular