Saturday 16 August 2008

Sanofi-aventis And Bristol-Myers Squibb Back NICE's Decision To Review Guidance On Vascular Disease - New Evidence Could Affect Change In Guidance, UK

�Sanofi-aventis and Bristol-Myers Squibb back today's decision by NICE (the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) to review its guidance on vascular disease for clopidogrel (Plavix�) and dipyridamole. NICE originally plotted to give in review of the guidance, called Technology Appraisal Number 90 (TAG90), until November 2010. During the recent NICE consultation process, a number of organisations, highlighted the press need for an earlier review.

"Cardiovascular diseases is Britain's number one killer, therefore it is of public interest that NICE initiates a review of this guidance. There is important newfangled evidence uncommitted, particularly in the area of stroke, which means that the existing steering needs to be re-assessed. We now have the opportunity to ensure the guidance is kept up to particular date and in line with new evidence," said Nigel Brooksby, Chairman and Managing Director, sanofi-aventis UK.

Richard Marsh, Director of External Affairs and Market Access, Bristol-Myers Squibb adds, "The review of TAG90 announced by NICE today is timely. The current guidance looks at patients in isolation, for example, patients who receive only had a fortuity, or patients who have only had peripheral arterial disease (PAD). However, according to the REACH register (the largest registry of 68,000 patients with cardiovascular disease around the world), i in sixer of these patients have multivascular disease and are at level higher danger of further events (heart